Events for singles to begin a new social life and start having fun

Posts tagged ‘Events in Colchester for singles’

Are You Single And Stuck In A Rut?

Are you stuck in a rut, by going to work, going home, meal for two (including the cat/dog/child), watch a load of rubbish on the telly and feeling totally fed up because you’ve started chatting to yourself? Well that was me, I formed Eventful Friends and since then, I’ve met some extremely nice, friendly, positive, out-going, happy people and my life has completely turned around. (Although I still chat to myself;-))

At first it was very difficult, I had to make myself get up, get ready, force myself out of the door to go out, but since those days (a few months ago) I’ve rebuilt my confidence levels, I actually look forward to meeting my new friends and also get the bonus of meeting new people on a weekly basis and I’m getting to experience lots of exciting things I’ve always wanted to do, even signed up for a sky-dive in September! I haven’t been this happy in ages.

If this is you and you’ve been searching for a partner to share your life with, forget that and join us, you’ll get to meet ‘loads’ of people and make new friends and who know’s you may even meet someone on a romantic  level, although that shouldn’t be at the top of your agenda. Since forming Eventful Friends, I’ve taken the pressure off myself to meet my match and that’s freed me up to see people in a new light and hey it’s working, I’m a much happier person for it.

So if you’re single and would like to meet some great people, hesitate no longer and get in touch!

If you’re not single and find yourself wanting to do other things from your partner, join up as well, there are plenty of events that are for singles and non-singles.

Get in touch today, ring Tracy 07526524939

Who cooks more… men or women?

We’re about to visit the Suffolk Food Hall for a great night out, joining in ‘ The Kitchen Club’ which  is run once a month and consists of  a cookery demonstration, this month is:  how to cure and smoke meats followed by a delicious meal and it got me thinking, who cooks more?

Personally I love to cook (from scratch) but only when I’ve got company, however when it comes to cooking for myself, I tend to be very lazy, where as it seems the majority of single men will be very creative and cook good hearty meals for one!  Does this mean that women cook out of necessity and men enjoy the experience of cooking a whole lot more than the actual eating?

Cooking skills seem to have changed over the last couple of decades, my Mum used to feed a family of seven and we’d all sit around the table to eat together at 6 pm (on the dot), the food would be traditional English dishes, until my eldest sister introduced us to home-made curry, and my brother introduced us to Indian restaurants (best moment of my life) and now, it seems the family values have gone out of the window and more and more people tend to sit on the sofa whilst eating in front of the TV. Maybe that’s why I don’t bother cooking a lavish meal due to the fact that I don’t really taste it!  Okay I can feel a ‘Come Dine With Me’ experience coming on:)

So what are your thoughts on cooking? What do you cook for yourself, a microwave meal for one or are you creative in the kitchen because you either enjoy it or you just like eating great food?

If you’d like to come along with Eventful Friends to learn about smoking and curing meats, a couple of drinks and a delicious meal, please visit for more information and tickets (the Kitchen Club event is run each month) Check out as this is not an exclusive event.

How to Enjoy Being Single!

After spending way too long trying to find the perfect match, I finally embraced being single and living my life for myself instead of thinking it was empty without anyone to share it with, so I found the energy (which came from no-where) to get out and about to meet new people and start living my life for the present instead of trying to think about the future!

I’ve just found a brilliant article that speaks about:

  • How to enjoy being single
  • Ignoring the naysayers
  • Focus on friendship (Eventful Friends)
  • Enjoy your freedom
  • Appreciate the absence of compromise
  • Cherish the excitement
  • Being married is a “lifestyle choice” and not a “requirement”
The article has lots of smaller links within it, so be sure not to miss them and take a look at the video at the bottom.
There are so many single people in this world, the more you look about the more you find and people are eager for a chance to step out of the rut and start living the single life, maybe all their current friends are married, or with children that it’s not always possible to get out and meet new people.
I believe the key is to feel the fear and do it anyway, start talking to new people, or at least throw them a smile:) If they smile back at you, it’s going to make you happy and feeling confident, try it today, go out and smile at complete strangers!

Here’s the link to the article:

And here’s another one which helps you make friends: and don’t forget you can also make friends by coming along to Eventful Friends events, we’re all very friendly and it could really boost your confidence and get you living the life you deserve:)

'Where Friends Meet'




Eventful Friends: Brian’s Sky-Dive Story

I decided to do a sky-dive for 2 reasons. One of which was the thought of me realising a dream to partake in something I would never have dared to even think about a few years ago. Being able to do this for a worthy cause for one of my favourite charities which I have been supporting for 2 years made sense. The application was the easiest part of the whole process and I sensed that it would be hard thing to do in the end but doing it in the name of Out and About made it easier to digest.

 I am proud to have collected £400.00 so far of which Out and About will be guaranteed to receive £200.00 of this sum and hopefully more. A few days before the event, I started to read what this skydive actually meant and had shivers on my skin. What was I thinking to do this; I am going to make a fool of myself, were only a couple of things that went through my mind. To make matters worse, I stumbled across a fellow Facebook friend’s pictures of the event and just looking at the small plane made me ache! Watching the video did not help matters but it was too late as tomorrow was going to be the day!

Saturday morning was sunny and lovely and in a so called relaxed and confident manner thought to myself that this was a good thing so I can see more things! After arriving in Beccles, I was surprised to see so many fellow participants and that sort

of calmed me down. I was fortunate enough to have my 2 good friends Lisa and Tracy along with Kate of Out and About cheering me on. I surely could not chicken out now? What the heck! What’s the worst that could happen was my way of making me relaxed.  The briefing did not help and certainly not putting on the protective gear and funny helmet and goggles! I was even made more anxious as I would have to wait for 2 turns to get this done. The more time passed, the more I started to panic. My turn finally came and I hugged my good friends goodbye hoping I would see their wonderful faces again. My instructor, Barry, who was going to be tied to me at all times during the experience was a kind man and he made me feel at ease. However, just getting on the plane got me nervous in which I could not really speak and began to freeze. Fellow passenger noticed this and cheered me on. My heavy breathing was enough for Barry to inspire me even more. The take off was stress free but the heights made me uneasy. I am not a good flier for those people who don’t know me so being stuck in a tiny aircraft with thought of jumping out of it was very hard for me.

Luckily, I was the first to be out of the plane and when that door went up and my feet tangling from the aircraft, I knew what was in store. I thought to myself, I am in Barry’s hands and hope it would be pain free . The jump and 2 seconds until we got in the sky-dive position was the scariest thing I have ever done and probably ever do in my life. However, as soon as we got in the skydive position, I had the most memorable experience that one can imagine. I felt on top of the world and indestructible. I now knew how superman felt and could actually feel me doing this for minutes and not just seconds. After about 40 seconds, I was happy that the parachute deployed successfully but sad to see that my sky-dive was over. The landing which last about 7 minutes was magical also as it was so peaceful and serene and felt like a bird. Maybe I was an eagle in my past life? The landing was nice and safe and after a minute to get to my senses, I stood up and shouted in my mind ‘Mission Complete!’.  Arms in the air after my triumph and a warm hug to Barry for keeping me safe and experiencing a wonderful drop out of a plane.

 I was happy to see my friends and I think I was calmer this time round. Life must go on for me and I was sure to have a smile on my face all day long. After a few paparazzi photographs with my certificate, I was ready to go back home. I would like to thank sincerely with all my heart all the people who have sponsored me, Tracy and Lisa for your support and excellent cheerleading qualities and I guess to life in general for keeping me to see another day.

I would like to dedicate this jump to all the young people and supporters of Out and About.

Your hero of the day,


If you are interested in partaking in this amazing event, please find out more information by either contacting Tracy on 07506524939 E: or visit the Out and About Trust

Is it an age thing?

When I was in my 20’s I had a great group of friends who I’d go out with every single Friday and Saturday (sometimes Sunday lunch time and if it was a bank holiday, well there was no hope) and we’d have a routine of getting ready at my house while having a few drinks, poodle off to the local wine bar (drink copious amounts) then onto the cocktail bar (again drinking copious amount) then fall into the nightclub next door and dance our socks off and I was happy to do this every weekend.

As time went on, I got slightly bored with the routine and moved on… I did lots of travelling, came home and decided to get an education, had a baby then found myself single! The friends I had met through art school and travelling were dotted about all over the place, so I found myself on my own!

What do we want when we hit 30, 35, 40 +? I know I don’t want the routine of going to the pub and getting sloshed (although every now and then doesn’t hurt) personally I feel there’s more to life than that. Surely it’s all about relationships, friendships, companionship and sharing experiences.

Saying that makes it all sound so easy! I think most of us 30+ singles knows it’s not so easy, especially if you’re recently divorced, your kids have grown up and have a better social life than you, moved to a new area etc. What is there to help get your life back on track? So that every day you have something exciting to look forward to, jumping out of bed with a spring in your step!

If you have any comments or stories, feel free to share them with us!

Ipswich / Colchester

Doing this job has introduced me to so many places in Ipswich, I’ve found some great bars, I’ve met some very interesting people and I’ve eaten some delicious food in lovely restaurants.

I’ve recently discovered just how much is going on in Ipswich, added loads to the calender and can’t wait to get involved,  but I’ve also found some equally brilliant events in Colchester, so I’m now launching there too, starting with a meet and greet 23rd June.

Because Colchester and Ipswich are so close together, members from Ipswich are more than welcome to join in on the Colchester events and people from Colchester can join in on the Ipswich events.

I’ve also introduced more meet and greets as the last few events have been very successful.  I’ve found some perfect venues: Degero Bar in Ipswich and The Slug & Lettuce in Colchester, for dates and times, please see the website,

If you’re reading this because you’re single, why don’t you start living the dream and contact me? You can come along to one event before becoming a member and there is no pressure, I believe it’s all about timing! Or if you know someone who’s single, send them our way.